3 07, 2017


By | 2017-07-03T12:33:48+10:00 July 3rd, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on МАКЕДОНЦИТЕ БАРААТ БЕЗУСЛОВЕН КРАЈ НА РАЗГОВОРИТЕ ЗА ИМЕТО!

Светскиот Македонски Конгрес (СМК) во врска со посетата на амбасадорот Метју Нимиц на Македонија, бара безусловен крај на разговорите за разликата за државното име со Владата во Атина! СМК и натаму смета дека разговорите за разликата за името на државата се безпредметни и претставуваат грубо мешање во сувереното право на една држава самостојно да избере [...]

22 06, 2017


By | 2017-06-22T13:57:21+10:00 June 22nd, 2017|Latest News, News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on БУГАРИЈА Е МАКЕДОНИЈА, ДАЛЕКУ СЕ ТАТАРСТАН, МОНГОЛИЈА И КИНА!

Пишува Тодор ПЕТРОВ Конечно, на актуелниот бугарски премиер Бојко Борисов му успеа: Го донесе Зоран Заев пред Споменикот на Самоил во Софија и двајцата положија цвеќе и се поклонија пред “Царот на Бугарија“. Дури и директорот на Бугарскиот национален историски музеј, Божидар Димитров, по повод посетата на Зоран Заев во Бугарија, за бугарската емисија “Денот [...]

21 06, 2017

World Refugee Day

By | 2017-06-21T18:27:08+10:00 June 21st, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on World Refugee Day

By Alexander Stoinis 1913, when 51% of Macedonia was awarded to Greece, no thanks to the Bucharest Treaty of 1913, following the Balkan Wars, Greece commenced exhaustive acts of genocide and persecution on its supposedly non-existent minorities during the 20th Century alone, particularly those who refer to themselves as Macedonian, Turkish and Vlach. Many such [...]

18 06, 2017

Macedonians in Western Australia Speak Out

By | 2017-06-18T01:06:52+10:00 June 18th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Macedonians in Western Australia Speak Out

The Macedonian Community of Western Australia has spoken out on the "Name Issue". One of Australia's oldest Macedonian-Australian organisations has also written a letter to the newly appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia regarding name changes. The letter below, dated 17 June 2017 was written by  Chris Angelkov Vice President, Macedonian Community of WA [...]

15 06, 2017

Macedonians Demand Greece Change Their Name!

By | 2018-03-07T15:59:12+11:00 June 15th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Macedonians Demand Greece Change Their Name!

  The name "Macedonia" or "Macedonian" was once taboo and could not even be mentioned in Greece. Macedonians were persecuted, many tortured and killed for speaking in Macedonian or stating they were Macedonians. According to the Greeks, there was no such thing as a Macedonian. However, this all changed in 1988 when the Greek government [...]

14 06, 2017

Reasons to End Name Negotiations!

By | 2017-06-15T05:14:07+10:00 June 14th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Reasons to End Name Negotiations!

Zoran Coseki - Honorary Consul of R. Macedonia in Western Australia "The so-called 'name dispute' imposed on of Macedonia by its southern neighbor called the Hellenic Republic of Greece has been an ongoing bilateral issue between Skopje and Athens since the breakup of  Yugoslavia in 1991", says the Macedonia’s Honorary Consul in Perth, Australia, Zoran Coseski in [...]

13 06, 2017

An Alternative Solution to the Macedonian Name Dispute

By | 2017-06-13T16:10:21+10:00 June 13th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on An Alternative Solution to the Macedonian Name Dispute

By Dr. Chris Popov -  The following article was originally published in the 'MHR Review'  ( a joint publication at that time of AMHRC and MHRMI) in June 2012.  Many of the points raised are still very relevant to today's situation. On 14 May 2012, the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nikolai Vamen, whose country [...]

11 06, 2017


By | 2017-06-15T06:01:52+10:00 June 11th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on DEFEND MACEDONIA’S NAME: WE DON’T HAVE ANY OTHER

By Dr. Chris Popov It is quite apparent that one of the main priorities of the newly appointed SDSM government is to change the name of Macedonia in order to facilitate its entry into NATO and the EU by removing the Greek veto. In fact this is the main reason why Zaev was brought to [...]

9 06, 2017

Macedonians World-Wide Furious Over Zaev’s TV Interview

By | 2017-06-09T20:36:58+10:00 June 9th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Macedonians World-Wide Furious Over Zaev’s TV Interview

Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said earlier today that the Republic of Macedonia is ready to join NATO under the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FRYOM) – something that Greece insists on - in order to speed up the country’s EU integration. "There are two ways - either finding a solution to [...]

7 06, 2017

Hospitality Course – Fully Funded

By | 2017-06-07T23:40:36+10:00 June 7th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Hospitality Course – Fully Funded

The World Macedonian Congress-Australia, together with Ilinden Macedonian Cultural Artistic Association have partnered with Barrington Training Services to deliver nationally recognised and accredited hospitality skills set training under the Job Ready Program. The program is targeted at Job Seekers and will enable learners to participate in targeted training to develop skills in the hospitality sector. [...]

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