18 06, 2018

СМК – Австралија прати писмо до Христијан Мицкоски!

By | 2018-06-19T01:48:17+10:00 June 18th, 2018|Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on СМК – Австралија прати писмо до Христијан Мицкоски!

    До господин Христијан Мицкоски, Претседател на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и Извршниот и централниот комитет на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ   Почитуван господине Мицкоски, Македонците во Австралија се загрижени за политичката криза во Македонија, посебно со потпишувањето на Спогодбата Димитров-Коѕиас. За Македонците во татковината и во светот, Спогодбата Димитров-Коѕиас за промена на името и идентитетот е ништовна и ја [...]

8 06, 2018

WMC-A Opening Doors for Community

By | 2018-06-08T08:23:05+10:00 June 8th, 2018|Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on WMC-A Opening Doors for Community

The World Macedonian Congress - Australia formally met with both the National leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Richard Di Natale and also Federal Labor MP for Batman electorate, Ged Kearney on Thursday, 7 June, to discuss the plight of the Macedonian community in Australia. WMC-A believes that a bridge of consolidation and understanding has [...]

6 06, 2018


By | 2018-06-06T16:35:19+10:00 June 6th, 2018|0 Comments

Tickets are now selling for WMC-A's Melbourne Illinden celebration. Join us and help celebrate the most important date on the Macedonian Calendar, with a 3-course meal at the Ferarro Reception Centre in Campbellfield. This is a non-profit, zero proceeds event and all tickets sold are solely to cover costs. Please note that it is selling [...]

18 03, 2018

We Need a Unitary Macedonia – WMC-A

By | 2018-03-18T14:10:05+11:00 March 18th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on We Need a Unitary Macedonia – WMC-A

The Macedonians in Australia, as an inseparable part of the Macedonian people, express concern for unity and statehood of Macedonia, the country's name and identity of the nation! We reject any federalization and easement of the Albanian language on the whole territory of Macedonia and in its international relations! We consider only the Macedonian language [...]

13 03, 2018

Open Letter to Labor Party’s Ged Kearney and Australian Labor Party

By | 2018-03-15T16:52:53+11:00 March 13th, 2018|Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on Open Letter to Labor Party’s Ged Kearney and Australian Labor Party

Attention Ged Kearney (Labor Candidate for Batman Electorate) and Australian Labor Party On behalf of the World Macedonian Congress Australia, co-Chairmen Jim Stefanovski and Goran Kotev need to bring a gross injustice to your immediate attention. Your recent flyer that has been published and disseminated is misleading and discriminatory. The Macedonian community has always historically supported the [...]

13 03, 2018

World Macedonian Congress – Australia Applies to Take IP Australia to Court

By | 2018-03-13T04:16:40+11:00 March 13th, 2018|Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on World Macedonian Congress – Australia Applies to Take IP Australia to Court

PRESS RELEASE 13 March 2018, Melbourne, Australia - In an act of perpetual discrimination towards the Australian citizens of Macedonian descent, the Australian authorities have denied the World Macedonian Congress – Australia (WMC-A) the right to register the trademark of the ‘Macedonian Sun’ within its logo, sighting it as a national symbol of Greece. In a [...]

8 03, 2018

WMC-A National Co-Chairmen Meet with Turkish Embassy Staff in Canberra

By | 2018-03-08T01:38:54+11:00 March 8th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on WMC-A National Co-Chairmen Meet with Turkish Embassy Staff in Canberra

The World Macedonian Congress Australia formally met with the officers and staff of the embassy of the Republic of Turkey on Tuesday to discuss the impending political crisis developing in the Republic of Macedonia and the wider Balkan Peninsula in general, as a means to build friendship and cooperation between the Macedonian and Turkish communities [...]

28 02, 2018


By | 2018-02-28T02:00:36+11:00 February 28th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on PROTEST! NA 3-ti MART VO VAŠINGTON ZA MAKEDONIJA!

SVETSKI MAKEDONSKI KONGRES - JAVEN OGLAS NA 3-ti MART VO VAŠINGTON ZA MAKEDONIJA! 26 fevruari 2018 godina, Vašington, SAD - Svetskiot Makedonski Kongres gi povikuva Makedoncite vo Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi masovno da izlezat na Semakedonskiot protest “Nie sme Makedonija” (#WeAreMacedonia) za odbrana na imeto na državata i identitetot na nacijata. Protestot ḱe se održi vo [...]

25 02, 2018

World Macedonian Congress-Australia Make an Offer to Purchase ‘Kjoseto’ Statue

By | 2018-02-25T04:22:55+11:00 February 25th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on World Macedonian Congress-Australia Make an Offer to Purchase ‘Kjoseto’ Statue

Open letter to Zoran Zaev, and the City of Skopje Mayor Petre Silegov World Macedonian Congress – Australia (WMC-A) would like to bring to your attention, in regards to the removal of the Monument of freedom fighter for the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation  ( IMRO – VMRO) Andon Lazov Yanev – Kjoseto, on 22 February, [...]

24 02, 2018


By | 2018-02-26T00:44:31+11:00 February 24th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on VO OBEDINETITE NACII I VO CELIOT SVET KAKO MAKEDONCI SO MAKEDONSKI JAZIK I SO IMETO MAKEDONIJA!

Makedonskite zaednici vo svetot se zagriženi za političkata kriza vo Makedonija, no edinstveni vo odbrana na imeto na državata Makedonija i identitetot na Makedonskata nacija - imeto na Makedonskiot narod i imeto na Makedonskiot jazik! Po toj povod na poveḱe meridijani na Zemjinata topka, Makedoncite organiziraat poveḱe protesti so edinstvena cel da se spreči promena [...]

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