Pišuva Todor PETROV –
Vo soglasnost so členot 75 od Ustavot: “(1) Zakonite se proglasuvaat so ukaz. (2) Ukazot za proglasuvanje na zakonite go potpišuvaat pretsedatelot na Republikata i pretsedatelot na Sobranieto. (3) Pretsedatelot na Republikata može da odluči da ne go potpiše ukazot za proglasuvanje na zakonot. Sobranieto povtorno go razgleduva zakonot i dokolku go usvoi so mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici, pretsedatelot na Republikata e dolžen da go potpiše ukazot. (4) Pretsedatelot e dolžen da go potpiše ukazot, dokolku spored Ustavot, zakonot se donesuva so dvotretinsko mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici.“
Što znači členot 75 od Ustavot? Za da vleze vo sila, Zakonot mora da bide donesen so opredeleno mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici. Za otpočnuvanje procedura na glasanje za donesuvanje na Zakon potrebno e prisustvo na mnozinstvo od vkupniot broj pratenici. Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite se donesuva so mnozinstvo od prisutnite no, ne pomalku od 40 pratenici.
Po donesuvanjeto, Zakonot mora da bide proglasen so ukaz, kojšto go potpišuvaat pretsedatelot na Republikata i pretsedatelot na Sobranieto. Otkoga ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot ḱe bide potpišan i od dvajcata, i ukazot i Zakonot se objavuvaat vo “Služben vesnik na Republika Makedonija“. Otkako ḱe se objavi vo “Služben vesnik na Republika Makedonija“, Zakonot vleguva vo sila, po pravilo, osmiot den od objavuvanjeto. Dokolku Ukazot ne bide potpišan od eden od dvajcata ovlasteni, pretsedatelot na Republikata i pretsedatelot na Sobranieto, zakonot NE MOŽE da se objavi vo “Služben vesnik na Republika Makedonija“, i zakonot NE MOŽE da vleze vo sila.
Neustavno e objavuvanje na ukaz i zakon potpišan samo od pretsedatelot na Sobranieto. I da bide objaven ukaz samo so potpisot na pretsedatelot na Sobranieto, Zakonot e nevažečki, ne proizveduva pravno dejstvo i nikoj ne e dolžen da go počituva, nema sankcii za prekršuvanje na Zakonot!
Ponatamu, ne postoi rok, do koga pretsedatelot na Republikata e dolžen da go potpiše Ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakon, toa e negovo diskreciono pravo! Pretsedatelot može i da ne go potpiše ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot bez obrazloženie.
Dokolku pretsedatelot na Republikata dade obrazloženie so zabeleški zaradi koišto ne go potpišal Ukazot, za toa pismeno go izvestuva Sobranieto. Sobranieto povtorno go razgleduva Zakonot: Može da gi prifati ili da ne gi prifati zabeleškite na pretsedatelot na Republikata i dokolku go usvoi so mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici, členot 75 stav 3 od Ustavot veli, deka pretsedatelot na Republikata e dolžen da go potpiše ukazot.
No, dali e dolžen?
Vo členot 87 od Ustavot e utvrdena odgovornosta na pretsedatelot na Republikata. Členot 87 od Ustavot veli: “(1) Pretsedatelot na Republikata e odgovoren za kršenje na Ustavot i zakonite vo vršenjeto na svoite prava i dolžnosti. (2) Postapka za utvrduvanje na odgovornost na pretsedatelot na Republikata pokrenuva Sobranieto so dvotretinsko mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici. Za odgovornosta na pretsedatelot odlučuva Ustavniot sud so dvotretinsko mnozinstvo glasovi (šest) od vkupniot broj sudii (devet). (3) Ako Ustavniot sud utvrdi odgovornost na pretsedatelot na Republikata, funkcijata mu prestanuva po sila na Ustavot.“
Ako Zakonot se donesuva so dvotretinsko mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici, vo soglasnost so členot 75 stav 4 od Ustavot, “Pretsedatelot e dolžen da go potpiše ukazot!“ I da ne saka, mora da go potpiše ukazot za proglasuvanje na zakonot, zatoa što so dvotretinsko mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici može da se pokrene postapka za utvrduvanje na odgovornost na pretsedatelot na Republikata vo Sobranieto.
No, kaj zakon koj se donesuva so mnozinstvo od vkupniot broj pratenici, duri i ne pomalku od 40 pratenici, a vo uslovi koga parlamentarnoto mnozinstvo ne poseduva dvotretinsko mnozinstvo od vkupniot broj pratenici, nevozmožno e Sobranieto da povede postapka za odgovornost na pretsedatelot na Republikata ako ne go potpiše Zakonot koj ḱe go izglasat makar i mnozinstvo (61) od vkupniot broj pratenici (120).
Pretsedtelot na Republikata na 1 mart 2017 godina ne opredeli mandatar za sostav na Vlada, tokmu poradi takanarečenata “Tiranska platforma“ i pobara garancii deka takanarečenata “Tiranska platforma“ nema da bide osnova za vladina koalicija i nejzina programa.
Zoran Zaev, kako pretsedatel na SDSM, na 17 maj 2017 godina, vo ime na formiranoto parlamentarno mnozinstvo zaradi mandat za sostav na Vlada, dade Izjava so slednite garancii: “(1) Garantirame zaštita na unitarnosta, suverenitetot, teritorijalniot integritet, nezavisnosta i multietničnosta na Republika Makedonija. (2) Garantirame zaštita na ustavniot poredok i teritorijalnata celina na Republika Makedonija. (3) Garantirame zaštita na državnite interesi i unapreduvanje na životot na site graǵani bez ogled na etničkata, religiskata i jazičnata pripadnost. (4) Garantirame deka procesot na nosenje na odluki za graǵanite na Republika Makedonija ḱe bide vo soglasnost so osnovnite demokratski principi i vladeenje na pravoto, nedoveduvajḱi ja Republika Makedonija vo položba na potčinetost ili zavisnost sprema druga država… Nitu eden dokument, platforma, deklaracija, akt ili dejstvija koi bi bile sprotivni na pogore navedenite stavovi, ne možat da bidat uslov nitu osnova za formiranje i dejstvuvanje na Vladata na Republika Makedonija.“
Predlog-Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite znači tokmu realizacija na prvite tri točki od takanarečenata “Tiranska platforma“ od 29 dekemvri 2016 godina koišto glasat: “(1) Postignuvanje na celosna ramnopravnost vo soglasnost so Ohridskiot dogovor i Ustavot. (2) Pravilno sproveduvanje na principot na multietničnosta vo Ustavot na RM, kade Albancite se smetaat kako državotvorna nacija, poddržuvanje na sekakva pravna i ustavna inicijativa koja ja zajaknuva nacionalnata ramnopravnost za albanskoto naselenie. (3) Postignuvanje na celosna jazična ednakvost, upotrebata na albanskiot jazik vo site nivoa na vlasta i garancija za negovata primena kako fundamentalno i ustavno pravo. Ustavot na Republika Makedonija treba da utvrdi deka “makedonskiot jazik i negovoto kirilsko pismo i albanskiot jazik so negovoto pismo se oficijalni jazici vo Republika Makedonija.“
Za žal, aktuelnata Vlada ja izneveri doverbata na pretsedatelot na Republikata i pokraj izjavata so garanciite na mandatarot, zatoa što go voveduva albanskiot jazik na celata teritorija na Republika Makedonija i vo nejzinite meǵunarodni odnosi, iako predlog Zakonot za jazicite e neustaven, ne e evropski, gi ruši unitarnosta i teritorijalniot integritet na državata, ja redefinira državnosta vo dvonacionalna, gi diskriminira pomalite etnički zaednici, ja destabilizira zemjata, i vrši majorizacija na malcinstvoto vrz mnozinstvoto, i sekako ne smee da se zloupotrebuva za prestojnite lokalni izbori! Potrebna e prethodna stručna i naučna debata i rešenie za jazičnite prava vo soglasnost so Ustavot, što Vladata uporno go izbegnuva!
Ottuka, vrz osnova na členot 75 stav 3 i členot 84 stav 1 alineja 10 od Ustavot na Republika Makedonija pretsedatelot na Republikata NE SMEE da go potpišete ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite, dokolku Sobranieto go donese!
Dokolku Sobranieto povtorno go razgleduva Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite i go usvoi so mnozinstvo glasovi od vkupniot broj pratenici, pretsedatelot na Republikata MOŽE povtorno, bez nikakva odgovornost, da ne go potpiše ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot, nezavisno od parlamentarnoto mnozinstvo i iako spored členot 75 stav 3 od Ustavot toj e dolžen.
Aktuelnata Vlada nema dvotretinsko mnozinstvo od vkupniot broj pratenici, odnosno ne postoi dvotretinsko mnozinstvo za pokrenuvanje postapka za utvrduvanje na odgovornost na pretsedatelot na Republikata. Pritoa ne smee da se zaboravi deka Talat Džaferi i SDSM ušte pred dovereniot mandat na Zoran Zaev za sostav na Vlada, se zakanuvaa deka i bez doveren mandat od pretsedatelot na Republikata ḱe ja izberat Vladata na Republika Makedonija. Na toa gi podučuvaše i ideologot na SDSM, Ljubomir Danailov Frčkoski.
Dokolku pretsedatelot na Republikata prof.d-r Ǵorge Ivanov ne go proglasi so Ukaz, Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite, toj nikogaš nema da može da vleze vo sila! Bez potpisot na pretsedatelot na Republikata na Ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite i da bide neustavno objaven vo “Služben vesnik na Republika Makedonija“, bez potpisot na pretsedatelot na Republikata nema pravno dejstvo i nikoj nema obvrska da go izvršuva!
Postoi nadež, deka pretsedatelot na Republikata ḱe pokaže državnička mudrost da ne dozvolite zemjata da se vturne vo avantura na dezintegracija i nestabilnost, zatoa što “Tiranskata platforma“ se sproveduva, na šteta na “unitarnosta, suverenitetot, teritorijalniot integritet, nezavisnosta i multietničnosta na Republika Makedonija“, a pretsedatelot na Republikata toa e dolžen da go počituva!
English Translation
Todor PETROV writes –
In accordance with Article 75 of the Constitution: “(1) Laws are proclaimed with a decree. (2) The President of the Republic and the President of the Assembly shall sign the decree on the promulgation of the laws. (3) The President of the Republic may decide not to sign the decree for the proclamation of the law. The Assembly reviews the law again and, if adopted by a majority of votes of the total number of Members of Parliament, the President of the Republic is obliged to sign the decree. (4) The president is obliged to sign the decree, if according to the Constitution, the law is adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of deputies. “
What does Article 75 of the Constitution mean? In order to enter into force, the law must be adopted by a certain majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives. A majority of the total number of Representatives is required to start the voting procedure for passing a Law. The law on the use of languages is adopted by a majority of the present but not less than 40 MPs.
After the adoption, the Law must be proclaimed with a decree, signed by the President of the Republic and the President of the Assembly. Once the decree for promulgation of the Law will be signed by both, both the decree and the Law shall be published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”. After it is published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, the Law shall enter into force, as a rule, the eighth day of the announcement. If the decree is not signed by one of the two authorized persons, the President of the Republic and the President of the Assembly, the law CAN NOT BE ANNOUNCED IN “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, and the law CAN NOT enter into force.
It is not a matter of publishing a decree and a law signed only by the President of the Assembly. And to issue a decree only with the signature of the President of the Assembly, the Law is void, does not produce legal action and no one is obligated to respect it, no sanctions for violation of the Law!
Furthermore, there is no time limit until the President of the Republic is obliged to sign the Decree for the promulgation of a law, that is his discretion! The president may not sign the decree for the proclamation of the law without explanation.
If the President of the Republic gives an explanation with remarks for which he has not signed the Decree, he shall inform the Assembly thereof in writing. The Assembly reconsiders the Law: May accept or not accept the remarks of the President of the Republic, and if adopted by a majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives, Article 75 paragraph 3 of the Constitution states that the President of the Republic is obliged to sign the decree.
But is it obligatory?
Article 87 of the Constitution stipulates the responsibility of the President of the Republic. Article 87 of the Constitution states: “(1) The President of the Republic is responsible for violating the Constitution and laws in the exercise of his rights and duties. (2) The procedure for determining the responsibility of the President of the Republic shall be initiated by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives. The Constitutional Court decides on the responsibility of the President by a two-thirds majority (six) of the total number of judges (nine). (3) If the Constitutional Court determines the responsibility of the President of the Republic, his function shall cease to be in accordance with the Constitution. “
If the Law is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives, in accordance with Article 75 paragraph 4 of the Constitution, “The President is obliged to sign the decree!” And if he does not want, he must sign the decree for a proclamation of the law, by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the total number of Representatives, a procedure for determining the responsibility of the President of the Republic in the Assembly may be initiated.
However, in a law adopted by a majority of the total number of Members of Parliament, not less than 40 MPs, and in circumstances when the parliamentary majority does not possess a two-thirds majority of the total number of Members of Parliament, it is impossible for the Assembly to initiate a procedure for responsibility of the President of the Republic if does not sign a law that will be passed by a majority (61) of the total number of Representatives (120).
The president of the Republic on March 1, 2017, did not appoint a mandate for the composition of the government, precisely because of the so-called “Tirana platform” and asked for guarantees that the so-called “Tirana platform” would not be the basis for the government coalition and its program.
On May 17, 2017, on behalf of the established parliamentary majority, Zoran Zaev, as president of SDSM, for the mandate for the composition of the Government, issued a Statement with the following guarantees: “(1) We guarantee the protection of unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and multiethnicity of the Republic of Macedonia. (2) We guarantee the protection of the constitutional order and the territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia. (3) We guarantee the protection of state interests and promotion of the life of all citizens regardless of ethnic, religious or linguistic affiliation. (4) We guarantee that the decision-making process for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia will be in accordance with the basic democratic principles and rule of law, failing the Republic of Macedonia in a position of subordination or dependence on another state … No document, platform, declaration, act or actions that would be contrary to the above-stated paragraphs, can not be a condition or basis for the formation and operation of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. “
The draft law on the use of languages means precisely the realization of the first three points of the so-called “Tirana platform” of December 29, 2016, which reads: “(1) Achieving full equality in accordance with the Ohrid Agreement and the Constitution. (2) Proper implementation of the principle of multiethnicity in the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, where Albanians are considered as a nation-building nation, supporting any legal and constitutional initiative that strengthens national equality for the Albanian population. (3) Achieving full linguistic equality, the use of the Albanian language at all levels of government, and a guarantee of its application as a fundamental and constitutional right. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia should establish that “the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic alphabet and the Albanian language with its letter are official languages in the Republic of Macedonia.”
Unfortunately, the incumbent Government has failed the trust of the President of the Republic despite the statement by the guarantees of the mandate, because it introduces the Albanian language throughout the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and in its international relations, although the draft Law on Languages is unconstitutional, it destroys the unitary and territorial integrity of the state, redefines statehood in a bi-national, discriminates against smaller ethnic communities, destabilizes the country, and carries out minorization of the majority on the majority, and of course must not be abused for the upcoming local elections! It requires prior professional and scientific debate and solution for linguistic rights in accordance with the Constitution, which the Government persistently avoids!
Hence, on the basis of Article 75 paragraph, 3 and Article 84 paragraph 1 line 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC MAY NOT sign the decree on the proclamation of the Law on the Use of Languages, if the Assembly adopts it!
If the Parliament reviews the Law on the Use of Languages and adopts it with a majority of votes from the total number of Members of Parliament, the President of the Republic may again, without any responsibility, sign the Decree for the promulgation of the Law, independently of the parliamentary majority, and although under Article 75 paragraph 3 of the Constitution he is obliged.
The current Government does not have a two-thirds majority of the total number of Representatives, ie there is no two-thirds majority for initiating a procedure for determining the responsibility of the President of the Republic. It should not be forgotten that Talat Xhaferi and SDSM, even before the mandate of Zoran Zaev for the composition of the Government, threatened that even without the mandate of the President of the Republic, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia will be elected. He also taught the SDSM ideologue, Ljubomir Danailov Frchkoski.
If President of the Republic Prof. Dr. Gjorge Ivanov does not declare with the Decree, the Law on the Use of Languages, he will never be able to enter into force! Without the signature of the President of the Republic of the Decree on the Proclamation of the Law on the Use of Languages and to be unconstitutionally published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, without the signature of the President of the Republic, there is no legal action and no one has the obligation to perform it!
It is hoped that the President of the Republic will show state wisdom not to allow the country to plunge into an adventure of disintegration and instability, because the “Tirana platform” is being implemented, to the detriment of “unitary, sovereign, territorial integrity, independence and multiethnicity of the Republic Macedonia”, and the President of the Republic is obligated to respect this!