About wmca2017

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So far wmca2017 has created 263 blog entries.
23 08, 2018


By | 2018-08-23T02:55:10+10:00 August 23rd, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on BOYCOTT ANY PARTICIPATION OF THIS TREACHEROUS AND ILLEGAL REFERENDUM!

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, August 21, 2018 The World Aegean Macedonian Council - Australia categorically condemns the illegal and treacherous referendum on the Republic of Macedonia’s name and constitutional change slated for the 30th of September 2018. We call upon all citizens of The Republic of Macedonia to boycott any participation in this [...]

21 08, 2018


By | 2018-08-22T02:09:25+10:00 August 21st, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on НАЈВАЖНО ЗА УВИД И УПИС ВО ИЗБИРАЧКИОТ СПИСОК И БОЈКОТ НА РЕФЕРЕНДУМОТ!

При увид и упис во Избирачкиот список, важно е да ги следите чекорите како што следи: ПРВО, Најдоцна со 24.00 часот на 23 август 2018 година задолжително проверете дали Ве има на Општиот избирачки список на линкот https://izbirackispisok.gov.mk/. Внесете го вашиот единствен матичен број и бројот од сликата и кликнете БАРАЈ! ВТОРО, Пребарувањето на истиот [...]

17 08, 2018

The question needs to be asked… What will Macedonians gain from entering EU and NATO?

By | 2018-08-17T19:38:55+10:00 August 17th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on The question needs to be asked… What will Macedonians gain from entering EU and NATO?

It's not hard to envisage a typical Macedonian future in the EU. Look at the other countries that are currently EU members. Most are currently struggling under the weight of EU austerity measures and economic isolation. The EU is in denial about its failed monetary policy towards struggling states and it has systematically imposed poverty [...]

13 08, 2018


By | 2018-08-13T19:00:56+10:00 August 13th, 2018|Community, History, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on WAMC-A STATEMENT: BUCHAREST TREATY, 10th AUGUST 1913!

On this day, 10 August, in Bucharest, Romania 1913, an act of betrayal along with one of the largest miscarriages of justice and humanity was perpetrated and then violently enforced. Delegates from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece, the latter formerly backed by the superpowers of the time: UK (England), France, and Germany, partitioned and carved [...]

13 08, 2018


By | 2018-08-13T00:51:15+10:00 August 13th, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on БОЈКОТ НА РЕФЕРЕНДУМОТ, ОСТАВКА НА ВЛАДАТА И РАСПУШТАЊЕ НА СОБРАНИЕТО!

Денес во големата сала на Музејот на македонската револуционерна борба во Скопје се одржува 28 Генерално Собрание на Светскиот Македонски Конгрес. На 28 Генерално Собрание на СМК присуствуваа претставници од сите делови на Македонија, европските и прекуокеанските земји Канада, САД и Австралија. Во работното претседателство на 28. Генерално Собрание на СМК беа избрани: претседателот на [...]

4 08, 2018

2nd of August is our reminder that we are a liberated people but importantly it is our reminder that we are still an occupied people

By | 2018-08-05T01:42:22+10:00 August 4th, 2018|Community, History, Latest News|Comments Off on 2nd of August is our reminder that we are a liberated people but importantly it is our reminder that we are still an occupied people

Today, as we freely move around the Republic of Macedonia, a person cannot help but have a sense that there used to be so much more than what is there today, a place more beautiful and historic than what there is now. A place that people once willingly gave their lives to defend and a [...]

31 07, 2018

WMC-A Advancing The Macedonian Cause

By | 2018-07-31T13:04:42+10:00 July 31st, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on WMC-A Advancing The Macedonian Cause

World Macedonian Congress – Australia ushered in the Macedonian National Holiday period - Ilinden with 2 fantastic community events this month. A community-based ball in Sydney on the 21st of July and the annual celebratory Ilinden ball in Melbourne on the 28th of July. In Sydney, Craig Kelly MP together with Professor Frank Zumbo were [...]

23 07, 2018

Modern Greeks – “Greece is an Ethnically Homogeneous Nation”

By | 2018-07-23T17:58:17+10:00 July 23rd, 2018|History, Latest News|Comments Off on Modern Greeks – “Greece is an Ethnically Homogeneous Nation”

To this day there are some Greeks who believe in the myth that they are an ethnically pure race. To Macedonians, it is irrelevant what Greeks believe in as long as they don’t interfere in Macedonian affairs. Unfortunately, Greece’s self-portrayal as an “ethnically homogeneous State” is not only interfering with Macedonians, it is downright hostile [...]

18 07, 2018

VMRO – A Simplified Historiography!

By | 2018-07-18T18:37:56+10:00 July 18th, 2018|History, Latest News|Comments Off on VMRO – A Simplified Historiography!

By D. Casement - The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation (VMRO) was a Macedonian paramilitary active in the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. VMRO was founded by a group of intellectuals in the Macedonian capital of Solun in 1893, with the goal of achieving autonomy for Macedonia. The establishment of the VMRO [...]

13 07, 2018

WMC-A Renovating Bitola Hospital – Children’s Ward

By | 2018-07-14T03:38:48+10:00 July 13th, 2018|Community, Latest News|Comments Off on WMC-A Renovating Bitola Hospital – Children’s Ward

The World Macedonian Congress - Australia (WMC-A) is an international, non-governmental, non-party affiliated, not for profit organisation and a Diplomatic Arm of the Macedonian people from all parts of Macedonia and throughout the world. World Macedonian Congress - Australia liaises and assists with all Macedonians interests, and one of these is in improving the conditions [...]

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