5 04, 2018


By | 2018-04-05T03:40:22+10:00 April 5th, 2018|News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on УСТАВНИОТ СУД СУСПЕНДИРА РЕФЕРЕНДУМ ЗА ЧЛЕНСТВО НА МАКЕДОНИЈА ВО НАТО!

Пишува Тодор ПЕТРОВ- Во членот 120 од Уставот е утврдена постапката за пристапување на Македонија во сојуз на држави и за истапување на Македонија од сојуз на држави. Имено, “Предлог за стапување во сојуз или заедница со други држави или истапување од сојуз или заедница со други држави можат да поднесат претседателот на Републиката, Владата [...]

31 03, 2018


By | 2018-03-31T04:15:38+11:00 March 31st, 2018|News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on КОЈ ЈА ПЛАЌА ЕКИПАТА И КРАНОТ “ЕГЗЕКУТОР“ ОД БУГАРИЈА ВО ДУПКАТА НА ПЛАЦОТ ПОЗАДИ ТЦ “РАМСТОР“?

Пишува Тодор ПЕТРОВ -  На социјалните мрежи се појавија фотографии од кранот кој наводно пристигнал од Бугарија за со него да се дислоцира споменикот на Александар Македонски од плоштадот “Македонија“! Станува збор за кран од моделот KATO NK-800, 80 тони носивост и 50 метри висина. Не остана долго енигма, каде се наоѓа овој кран “егзекутор“! [...]

29 03, 2018

Remains found in shallow California grave believed to be those of missing Macedonian model, police say

By | 2018-03-29T05:04:32+11:00 March 29th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Remains found in shallow California grave believed to be those of missing Macedonian model, police say

by Meagan Flynn The Washington Post - Adea Shabani was last seen alive on the fuzzy elevator surveillance footage of a Los Angeles apartment complex on the afternoon of Feb. 23, leaving with a man on a trip to Northern California. It didn’t take long for her family and friends to grow concerned. Within two days, [...]

18 03, 2018

Greetings from Skopje – Photos from the ‘Old Days’

By | 2018-03-18T16:54:58+11:00 March 18th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Greetings from Skopje – Photos from the ‘Old Days’

The urban landscapes of Skopje have undergone significant alterations multiple times in the past. Such is the case with the most recent changes that followed with the Skopje 2014 project (a subject of numerous controversies) or the rebuilding of Skopje after the 1963 earthquake. The selection of the few photos below offers a glance at [...]

18 03, 2018

We Need a Unitary Macedonia – WMC-A

By | 2018-03-18T14:10:05+11:00 March 18th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on We Need a Unitary Macedonia – WMC-A

The Macedonians in Australia, as an inseparable part of the Macedonian people, express concern for unity and statehood of Macedonia, the country's name and identity of the nation! We reject any federalization and easement of the Albanian language on the whole territory of Macedonia and in its international relations! We consider only the Macedonian language [...]

18 03, 2018

Letter, with bullet, sent to Greek minister working on Macedonia name issue – Police

By | 2018-03-18T05:12:32+11:00 March 18th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Letter, with bullet, sent to Greek minister working on Macedonia name issue – Police

ATHENS (Reuters) - A threatening letter containing a bullet has been sent to the Greek foreign minister, who is engaged in talks with Macedonia on a long-running name dispute, police said. Nikos Kotzias has received other threatening letters and calls in recent months. “The new envelope ... contained a bullet and a letter with references [...]

17 03, 2018

Thimonier: Macedonia’s Recommendation for EU Might be Questionable

By | 2018-03-17T23:00:55+11:00 March 17th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Thimonier: Macedonia’s Recommendation for EU Might be Questionable

SKOPJE – French Ambassador to Macedonia Christian Thimonier said for SDK.mk that the unconditional recommendation to start EU membership negotiations can be problematic because the Law on the Use of Languages in the Parliament was adopted yesterday without a minimum of consensus and without a civilized discussion. “Yesterday it was a disappointing day because we [...]

16 03, 2018

The Enemy of Macedonia Have Made One More Giant Leap in Destroying Macedonia!

By | 2018-03-16T19:31:35+11:00 March 16th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on The Enemy of Macedonia Have Made One More Giant Leap in Destroying Macedonia!

The Republic of Macedonia parliament, on Wednesday, March 15th passed legislation to pass a dual language law for Albanian to be included for official use across all administrative levels, including the judiciary, municipalities, local councils, hospitals and all government departments. Reports indicate this will affect 130,000 administrative roles and positions within the Republic of Macedonia. [...]

10 03, 2018


By | 2018-03-10T04:24:56+11:00 March 10th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on MAKEDONCITE NE SE IREDENTISTI KON GRCIJA, TUKU GRCITE SE OKUPATORI NA MAKEDONIJA OD 1912 GODINA!

Svetskiot Makedonski Kongres (SMK) baranjata na grčkiot pretsedatel Prokopis Pavlopulos za promena na Ustavot, imeto na državata, imeto na Makedonskiot narod i imeto na Makedonskiot jazik, i istovremeno otkažuvanje od postoenje na Makedoncite vo Grcija, gi smeta za rasizam, naci-fašizam i agresija vrz suverenitetot i integritetot na Makedonskiot narod i Makedonskata država! SMK gi otfrla [...]

8 03, 2018

WMC-A National Co-Chairmen Meet with Turkish Embassy Staff in Canberra

By | 2018-03-08T01:38:54+11:00 March 8th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on WMC-A National Co-Chairmen Meet with Turkish Embassy Staff in Canberra

The World Macedonian Congress Australia formally met with the officers and staff of the embassy of the Republic of Turkey on Tuesday to discuss the impending political crisis developing in the Republic of Macedonia and the wider Balkan Peninsula in general, as a means to build friendship and cooperation between the Macedonian and Turkish communities [...]

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