The World Macedonian Congress Australia Press Release
Canberra, 19 February 2018
Macedonians living in Australia yesterday, travelled from Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and Melbourne to the Nation’s capital, in protest of the recent developments from a chain of events unfolding in Republic of Macedonia negating Macedonian identity. Police estimated approximately 6000 people attended the rally which began at the bus drop off point in front of Mawson Public School, and the crowd congregated at the Macedonian Embassy, to hand over a declaration written by the Macedonian Community of NSW & ACT, on behalf of all Australian Macedonian’s. (See below for full transcript both in Macedonian & English).
Speeches began with respect to First Nation Indigenous Australians, with the Australian anthem, followed by the Macedonian anthem and speeches, condemning the current capitulation of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to Greece’s demands on name changes within the Republic of Macedonia.
Zoran Zaev announced the renaming of Alexander the Great International Airport in Skopje to Skopje International Airport, and renaming a Macedonian highway to “Friendship” Highway not long ago.
This is a provocative and capitulatory acquiescence to the unjust demands of Greece on a sovereign country, with a quisling appointed illegal government which breaks all of its Constitution.
The momentum of these recent ‘friendship’ agreements which negate the Macedonian minorities in Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania are in direct contravention to Geneva Convention, to accelerate the process of entry into EU and NATO, who are both irrelevant as can be seen by the recent Brexit debacle. The EU and ‘Euro Atlantic” values have done little to strengthen any economies nor have they been dealt any financial advantage in any economic sphere or domain.
The negation of Macedonian minorities and the cultural and ethnic genocide that is perpetuated by Greece demands on the Republic of Macedonia is contributing to the country’s demise and sovereignty. It is also highly concerning, that the autocephalous Macedonian Orthodox church is facing acquisition by Bulgaria.
Macedonians within Australia reject all forms of the capitulation of Republic of Macedonia, reject any further name changes, as can be demonstrated by Greece changing toponyms, and forced name changes of Macedonian minorities after partitioning Macedonia in 1913, contributing to the cultural and ethnic genocide of Macedonians that fell behind those new borders.
Macedonians in Australia, also call on the Australian government in the strongest possible terms, this derogatory reference of “FYRoM” must desist, we are Macedonians, the country is Macedonia, and Australia is also breaching its multicultural laws, of equity, and self-determination.
Macedonians have been part of the fabric of multicultural Australia for 100 years.
As for Zoran Zaev, there was no referendum or census for changing any Macedonian names within the Republic of Macedonia, the west would do well to back off a sovereign country, 140 countries recognize Macedonians and Republic of Macedonia
Further protests will be held Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane on 4 March 2018.
Transcript of Declaration (below) – Handed to Macedonian Ambassador, Vele Trepevski in Canberra. Both National Executive Chairman of the World Macedonian Congress – Australia, Jim Stefanovski and Goran Kotev was part of the Embassy Delegation along with other Macedonian Organisations :

Delegation to Embassy – Delivering Declaration to Ambassador
Pretsedatelot, Sobranieto i Vladata na Republika Makedonija
(preku Makedonskata ambasada vo Kanbera, Avstralija)
Nie, Makedoncite vo Avstralija, sme obedineti i edinstveni vo odbrana na imeto na državata Makedonija i identitetot na Makedonskata nacija!
Go otfrlame Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite so kojšto se redefinira državnosta i unitarnosta na Makedonija, se voveduva dvojazičnost na celata teritorija i vo meǵunarodnite odnosi na Makedonija, i se diskriminiraat malcinskite etnički zaednici vo ednakvosta pred Ustavot i zakonite.
Ja povikuvame Vladata bezuslovno da go povleče Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite i da go vrati na javna diskusija i stručna valorizacija. Gi povikuvame pratenicite da ne go usvojat Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite pri povtornoto razgleduvanje!
Barame Pretsedatelot na Republikata da ne go potpiše ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot za upotreba na jazicite pri povtorno usvojuvanje vo Sobranieto, bidejḱi ne e vo soglasnost so Ustavot na Republika Makedonija i so izjavata na premierot pri doveruvanjeto na mandatot za sostav na Vlada od 24 maj 2017 godina.
Nie, Makedoncite vo Avstralija, go otfrlame Dogovorot meǵu Makedonija i Bugarija sklučen na 1 avgust 2017 godina vo Skopje, so kojšto Vladata se soglasi na revizija na makedonskata istorija i se otkaža od Makedonskiot jazik i od Makedoncite vo Bugarija!
Se’ dodeka za Sofija, Makedonija e del od Bugarija, Makedoncite se Bugari, a Makedonskiot jazik e dijalekt na bugarskiot jazik, smetame deka Dogovorot so Bugarija pretstavuva velepredavstvo na nacijata i državata!
Barame Pretsedatelot na Republikata da ne go potpiše ukazot za proglasuvanje na Zakonot za ratifikacija na Dogovorot meǵu Makedonija i Bugarija, bidejḱi ne e vo soglasnost so Ustavot na Republika Makedonija.
Nie, Makedoncite vo Avstralija, otfrlame referendum, promena na Ustavot i ratifikacija na meǵunaroden dogovor so cel promena na imeto na državata i identitetot na nacijata!
Smetame deka promenata na imeto na državata i identitetot na nacijata ne pretstavuva demokratija, sloboda na mislata i nejzino javno izrazuvanje, tuku flagrantno kršenje na meǵunarodnoto pravo i na Ustavot na državata Makedonija, najteško krivično delo velepredavstvo, genocid vrz Makedonskiot narod i zlostorstvo protiv čoveštvoto što ne zastaruva. Javno proklamirame deka sekoja odluka za promena na imeto na državata i identitetot na nacijata za Makedoncite vo svetot e ništavna, a učesnicite vo ova velepredavstvo koga i da e ḱe bidat izvedeni pred sudot na narodot i pravdata i ḱe bidat kazneti so doživoten zatvor i konfiskacija na celiot imot na semejstvoto, doma i vo svetot!
Barame bezusloven kraj na razgovorite za razlikata za državnoto ime so Vladata vo Atina, so nota na Pretsedatelot na Republikata do Generalniot Sekretar i Rezolucija do Generalnoto Sobranie za prodolžuvanje na členstvoto vo Obedinetite Nacii i vo site meǵunarodni organizacii pod državnoto ime Makedonija, so možnost za upotreba na ustavnata dodavka “Republika“, kako jasna razlika od istoimenata severna provincija na Republika Grcija i jugozapadna provincija na Republika Bugarija, bez latinična transkripcija na makedonskiot jazik (Republika Makedonija) tuku na angliski jazik “Republic of Macedonia“, so meǵunarodniot kod MK odnosno MKD i notifikacija na Makedonskiot narod i Makedonskiot jazik, na angliski jazik “Macedonian people“ i “Macedonian language“, nezavisno od istoriskite hipoteki na Balkanskite vojni 1912-1913 godina – okupacijata vrz Makedonija i genocidot vrz Makedonskiot narod koi se’ ušte traat.
Očekuvame izvinuvanje od Vladata vo Atina za istoriskite i opštestvenite nepravdi protiv Makedoncite vo Grcija, reparacii za eksploatacijata na prirodnite i arheološkite resursi od 1912 godina kako i za štetite vrz životite i imotite na Makedoncite vo okupiranite teritorii na Makedonija, kako i vraḱanje na graǵanskite, imotnite i naslednite prava na nasilno progonetite Makedonci od Egejskiot del na Makedonija od Balkanskite vojni 1912-1913, Prvata Svetska Vojna 1914-1918, Vtorata Svetska Vojna 1939-1945 i Graǵanskata Vojna vo Grcija 1946-1949 godina!
Otfrlame pristapuvanje na Makedonija vo sojuz so Evropskata Unija i NATO, poradi antimakedonizmot na Grcija i Bugarija, grčkiot i bugarskiot genocid vrz Makedonskiot narod, naci-fašističkoto baranje na Grcija za promena na imeto Makedonija i naci-fašističkoto baranje na Bugarija za promena na jazikot, kulturata i istorijata na Makedonskiot narod, kako vrednost za solidarnost na Brisel i Strazbur so Atina i Sofija!
EU i NATO ne se dostojni za promena na imeto na državata i identitetot na nacijata!
Nie, Makedoncite vo Avstralija, povikuvame na itno osloboduvanje na site pritvoreni za nastanite od 27 april 2017 godina vo Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija i barame Pretsedatelot na Republika Makedonija da gi pomiluva so osloboduvanje od gonenje i izvršuvanje na kaznata, kako i da opredeli brišenje i ukinuvanje na presudata na osudenite.
Barame itno osloboduvanje na gradonačalnikot na opština Pustec, Edmond Temelko od domašen pritvor i barame Pretsedatelot na Republika Makedonija da go pomiluva so osloboduvanje od gonenje.
Nie, Makedoncite vo Avstralija, barame makedonskite episkopi da go povlečat baranjeto za prifaḱanje na Bugarskata Crkva za Majka Crkva, kako nekanonsko i antiistorisko. Go poddržuvame sosluženieto i evharistiskoto edinstvo na Makedonskata Crkva so site crkvi vo svetot koi ḱe ja prifatat Makedonskata kako Apostolska Crkva i kako edna i edinstvena legalna i legitimna kanonska naslednička na drevnata Ohridska Arhiepiskopija odnosno Patrijaršija i na Justinijana Prva, so pravo na besplatna gradežna parcela za izgradba na crkva i manastir vo Ohrid kako svetski sehristijanski centar.
Dokolku Vladata ne e sposobna da gi ostvari gorenavedenite baranja, barame samoraspuštanje na Sobranieto i raspišuvanje na vonredni parlamentarni izbori!
Nie, Makedoncite vo Avstralija, ḱe gi koristime site dozvolivi sredstva, sekogaš, sekade i pred sekogo, za odbrana na imeto na državata i identitetot na nacijata!
Od protestot na Makedoncite vo Kanbera, Avstralija, održan na 18 Fevruar 2018 godina.
In English:
Addressed to:
The President, Parliament and Government of the Republic of Macedonia via the Macedonian Embassy in Canberra, Australia.
We, the Macedonians of Australia, are united and as one in defence of the name of the Macedonian state and the identity of the Macedonian nation!
We reject the Law on the Use of Languages which redefines the statehood and unitary nature of Macedonia, introduces bilingualism throughout the whole country and in Macedonia’s international relations and discriminates against those smaller ethnic groups in the country and their right to equal treatment under the Constitution and relevant laws.
We call on the Government to unconditionally withdraw the Law on the Use of Languages and allow public debate and expert analysis of it to take place. We call on members of parliament to not pass into law the Law on the Use of Languages when it is once again considered!
We demand that the President of the Republic not sign the edict proclaiming the Law on the Use of Languages upon its further consideration in Parliament, as it is in violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and the statement made by the Premier when he was granted the mandate to form government on 24 May 2017!
We, the Macedonians of Australia, reject the Agreement between Macedonia and Bulgaria signed on 1 August 2017 in Skopje whereby the Government agreed to revise Macedonian history and renounce the Macedonian language and the Macedonians in Bulgaria!
As long as Macedonia is, according to Sofia, part of Bulgaria, the Macedonians Bulgarians and the Macedonian language a dialect of Bulgarian, we consider that the Agreement represents high treason against the state and the nation!
We demand that the President of the Republic not sign the edict proclaiming the Law on the Ratification of the Agreement between Macedonia and Bulgaria, as this law is not in keeping with the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.!
We, the Macedonians of Australia, reject a referendum, a change of the Constitution and the ratification of any international agreement whose goal is to change the name of the state and the identity of the nation!
We believe that a change of name of the state and the identity of the nation does not represent democracy, freedom of thought or its public expression, but rather a flagrant violation of international law and the Macedonian Constitution, as well as a most serious criminal act, namely high treason, genocide against the Macedonian people and a crime against humanity whose prosecution does not legally expire. We publicly proclaim that each decision relating to a change of name of the state and the identity of the nation is invalid and that those participating in such high treason, will sooner or later face a people’s court and justice and will be punished with life-long imprisonment and confiscation of all of the property of their families, whether that be in Macedonia or abroad.!
We demand an unconditional end to the talks on the disagreement regarding the name of the country with the government in Athens and that the President of the Republic send a diplomatic note to the General Secretary of the UN-supported by a Resolution of the General Assembly of the UN- seeking the continuation of Macedonia’s membership in the UN and all international institutions under the official name Macedonia. The addition of the constitutional term “Republic” will clearly distinguish the country from the northern province of Greece which has the same name and the south-western province in Bulgaria. The official name of the country in Macedonian must not be transcribed using the Latin script, but rather must be denoted as “the Republic of Macedonia” in English. In addition, the international code MK, that is MKD, should denote the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonia people and language be described as precisely the “Macedonian people” and “Macedonian language” in the English language, irrespective of the historical baggage of the past relating to the Balkan Wars 1912-13 and the occupation of Macedonia and genocide of the Macedonian people which continues to this day.!
We expect an apology from the government in Athens for the historical and social injustices committed against the Macedonians in Greece and reparations for the exploitation of natural and archaeological resources from 1912 onwards, as well as for the severe damage done to the lives and properties of Macedonians in the occupied territories of Macedonia. We also seek the restoration of the civil rights and rights to property and inheritance of Macedonians forcibly exiled from the Aegean Part of Macedonia during the Balkan Wars 1912-13, the First World War 1914-1918, the Second World War 1939-45 and the Civil War in Greece 1946-1949!
We reject the accession of Macedonia to the European Union and NATO given the anti-Macedonian policies of Greece and Bulgaria, Greek and Bulgarian genocide carried out against the Macedonian people and the Nazi-fascist demand of Bulgaria for a change of the language, culture and history of the Macedonian people. These policies are supported by Brussels and Strasbourg in order to show solidarity with Athens and Sofia.
The EU and NATO are not worthy of a change of name of the country and the identity of the nation!
We, the Macedonians of Australia, appeal for the immediate release of all those jailed on the basis of the events of 27 April 2017 in Macedonia’s Parliament and demand that the President of the Republic of Macedonia pardon those persons such that they will not be subjected to any further prosecution and the serving of any sentence and will have their sentences rescinded and struck from the records.
We demand the immediate release of the mayor of the municipality of Pustec, Edmond Temelko, from house arrest and that the President of the Republic of Macedonia grant him a pardon preventing his further prosecution for his alleged crime
We, the Macedonians of Australia, demand that the Macedonian bishops withdraw their request that the Bulgarian Church accept that it is the Mother Church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, as we consider it to be non-canonical and contrary to historical fact. We support joint services and Eucharistic unity between the Macedonian Church and all churches throughout the world which accept the Macedonian Church as an Apostolic Church and as the one and only legal and legitimate canonical successor of the ancient Ohrid Archbishopric, that is the Ohrid Patriarchate, and the church of Justinian the First. In so doing we offer them free of charge of a plot of land for the construction of a church and monastery in Ohrid which will serve as a universal All-Christian centre of faith.
Should the Government prove incapable of implementing the abovementioned demands, we demand that Parliament is dissolved and that early parliamentary elections be scheduled!
We, the Macedonians of Australia, will always employ all permissible means, everywhere and before all, to defend the name of our state and the identity of our nation!
Authorised by the Protest of the Macedonians in Canberra, Australia, held on 18 February 2018.

Ambassador Vele Trpevski with Macedonian Delegation
For all Media Enquiries
Please contact National Executive Director
for WMC-A Media & Public Relations
Julie Corby
WMC-A National Executive Director of State Affairs