17 11, 2017

Language – Name – Identity

By | 2017-11-17T12:32:55+11:00 November 17th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Language – Name – Identity

By Julie Corby - What is language?  Dictionary.com defines it thus; “Common to a people of the same community or nation, geographical region, or same cultural tradition”. In the Republic of Macedonia, under the contentious government led by Zoran Zaev, dual language bill has been put before its Macedonian parliament, seeking to implement Albanian and [...]

5 11, 2017

Aleksandar Treti Makedonski e Makedonec i pretstavuva del od kulturno-istoriskoto nasledstvo na Makedonskata civilizacija!

By | 2017-11-05T16:02:55+11:00 November 5th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Aleksandar Treti Makedonski e Makedonec i pretstavuva del od kulturno-istoriskoto nasledstvo na Makedonskata civilizacija!

ALEKSANDAR MAKEDONSKI E MAKEDONEC I NIKOJ NEMA PRAVO ZARADI POLITIČKI KONCESII KON DRUGI I TUǴI DA SE OTKAŽUVA OD TOJ DEL NA ISTORIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA! Svetskiot Makedonski Kongres (SMK) najostro go osuduva vandalizmot vrz spomenikot na Aleksandar Treti Makedonski na ploštadot “Aleksandrija“ vo centarot na Prilep, kojšto pretstavuva donacija od makedonskiot senator Ǵorǵija Džordž Atanasoski [...]

5 11, 2017

Dr. Wess Mitchell as the new Assistant Secretary for European & Eurasian Affairs

By | 2017-11-05T15:05:36+11:00 November 5th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Dr. Wess Mitchell as the new Assistant Secretary for European & Eurasian Affairs

Dr. A. Wess Mitchell took the oath of office as Assistant Secretary of State on October 12, 2017, before Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. As Assistant Secretary he is responsible for diplomatic relations with 50 countries in Europe and Eurasia, and with NATO, the EU and the OSCE. Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian [...]

1 11, 2017


By | 2017-11-01T15:04:53+11:00 November 1st, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on OPEN LETTER TO US CONGRESS & PRESIDENT TRUMP

We, the members of the World Macedonian Congress-Australia and its affiliated organisations throughout the world are deeply troubled by reports of foreign powers influencing the March 2017 and subsequently the October 2017 local elections in the Republic of Macedonia. It is our belief that a movement has risen in the Macedonian parliament greater than the [...]

17 10, 2017


By | 2017-10-17T16:35:29+11:00 October 17th, 2017|News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on REFERENDUMOT ZA IMETO NASPROTI VELEPREDAVSTVOTO!

Pišuva Todor PETROV - Imeto na državata se sostoi samo od eden edinstven zbor - zborot Makedonija! I ne sme Makedonci poradi Makedonija, Makedonija e poradi nas Makedoncite! I bidejḱi povtoruvanjeto e majka na znaenjeto... Prašanjeto za državnoto ime e zatvoreno so referendumot od 8 septemvri 1991 godina koga Makedonskiot narod i državjanite na Makedonija [...]

8 10, 2017

Remembering 11th of October

By | 2017-10-08T12:17:03+11:00 October 8th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Remembering 11th of October

Message and speech by National Executive Co-Chairman of the World Macedonian Congress - Australia, Mr. Jim Stefanovski. Počituvani braḱa i sestri Makedonci i Makedonki, Vaša ekselencijo gospodin Vele Trpevski, Ambasador na Makedonija vo Avstralija, Počituvani prijateli od Avstralija. Vo Balkanskite vojni 1912-1913 godina, Bugarija, Grcija i Srbija izvršija okupacija vrz Makedonija i genocid vrz Makedonskiot [...]

5 10, 2017


By | 2017-10-05T03:35:43+11:00 October 5th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on VASIL STERJOVSKI: “VO ALBANIJA EDINSTVENO ŽIVEAT MAKEDONCI!“

Vo Parlamentot na Albanija vo tek e javna rasprava po predlog-Zakonot za nacionalnite malcinstva. Na komisijata za pravni prašanja, javna administracija i čovekovi prava učestvuvaše ministerot za nadvorešni raboti Ditmir Bušati i pretstavnici na nacionalnite malcinstva vo Albanija: Makedoncite, Grcite, Romite, Vlasite, Eǵiptjanite, Srbite, Crnogorcite i Bošnjacite. Iako na komisijata prisustvuvaše i pretstavnik na združenieto [...]

4 10, 2017


By | 2017-10-04T23:28:15+11:00 October 4th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on MAKEDONIJA NEMA TERITORIJALNI PRETENZII I NE JA KRADE ISTORIJATA NA GRCIJA!

3 oktomvri 2017 godina, Belgrad, Srbija - Svetskiot Makedonski Kongres (SMK) so indignacija ja otfrla izjavata na grčkiot pretsedatel Prokopis Pavlopulos, za vreme na negovata dvodnevna poseta na Srbija, deka Makedonija ima teritorijalni pretenzii i ja krade istorijata na Grcija. SMK potsetuva deka Makedonija nema teritorijalni pretenzii i ne ja krade istorijata na Grcija, naprotiv [...]

30 09, 2017

Nationalism and Intolerance Among Greek Intellectuals

By | 2017-09-30T05:08:39+10:00 September 30th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Nationalism and Intolerance Among Greek Intellectuals

By - Greek Helsinki Monitor/ Minority Rights Group - Greece “How can we explain the absence of intellectuals, the silence of the thinkers, the desertion of the scholars. Is it fear, ignorance, or indifference? Don’t you have anything to say to these people whom populists and chauvinists are dragging by the tips of their noses?” [...]

15 09, 2017

History is Written by the Victors, but it’s Victims Who Write the Memoirs

By | 2017-09-15T19:32:05+10:00 September 15th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on History is Written by the Victors, but it’s Victims Who Write the Memoirs

By Borce Dimoski - History in Macedonia has always been written by the victors. Those same victors who throughout history have hung, enslaved, murdered, raped and pillaged on their path to victory at the expense of the vanquished. To hide these injustices and crimes, it is common place in historical narratives to have documented atrocities [...]

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