18 03, 2018

Greetings from Skopje – Photos from the ‘Old Days’

By | 2018-03-18T16:54:58+11:00 March 18th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Greetings from Skopje – Photos from the ‘Old Days’

The urban landscapes of Skopje have undergone significant alterations multiple times in the past. Such is the case with the most recent changes that followed with the Skopje 2014 project (a subject of numerous controversies) or the rebuilding of Skopje after the 1963 earthquake. The selection of the few photos below offers a glance at [...]

25 02, 2018

World Macedonian Congress-Australia Make an Offer to Purchase ‘Kjoseto’ Statue

By | 2018-02-25T04:22:55+11:00 February 25th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on World Macedonian Congress-Australia Make an Offer to Purchase ‘Kjoseto’ Statue

Open letter to Zoran Zaev, and the City of Skopje Mayor Petre Silegov World Macedonian Congress – Australia (WMC-A) would like to bring to your attention, in regards to the removal of the Monument of freedom fighter for the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation  ( IMRO – VMRO) Andon Lazov Yanev – Kjoseto, on 22 February, [...]

30 12, 2017

Macedonia Introduces Emergency Measures as Smog Chokes Capital

By | 2017-12-30T23:06:23+11:00 December 30th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Macedonia Introduces Emergency Measures as Smog Chokes Capital

Macedonia took emergency measures against dense smog enveloping its cities, an annual winter scourge in the Western Balkans blamed on a mix of coal burning, ageing industry and high-polluting emissions from older vehicles. SKOPJE: Macedonia took emergency measures against dense smog enveloping its cities, an annual winter scourge in the Western Balkans blamed on a [...]

8 08, 2017


By | 2017-08-08T01:14:35+10:00 August 8th, 2017|News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on ОДБЕЛЕЖАН 10 АВГУСТ – СВЕТСКИОТ ДЕН ЗА СЕМАКЕДОНСКО ПОМИРУВАЊЕ И ОБЕДИНУВАЊЕ!

7 август 2017 година, Скопје, Македонија - Светскиот Македонски Конгрес викендов, во дворот на црквата “Свети Спас“ до Калето, го добележа 10 Август - Светскиот Ден за семакедонско помирување и обединување. Со благослов на Неговото Блаженство г.г. Стефан Архиепископ Охридски и Македонски, свештеници на Скопската епархија на Македонската Православна Црква - Охридска Архиепископија одржаа панихида [...]

21 07, 2017

Macedonians Have Always Known Who and What They Are!

By | 2017-12-07T16:30:29+11:00 July 21st, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Macedonians Have Always Known Who and What They Are!

Documents from the 'Ukrainian State Archives' on the 'Macedonian Regiment' which was formed in 1759 in Ukraine. Some of the names of Macedonians in the 'Macedonian Regiment' of the then Russian Imperial Army   After a failed uprising led by Macedonian, Karposh, which resulted in a very bloody battle against the Ottoman Turks, [...]

18 07, 2017

Qatar Airways’ Inaugural Flight Touches Down At Macedonia’s Alexander The Great Airport

By | 2017-07-18T02:41:55+10:00 July 18th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Qatar Airways’ Inaugural Flight Touches Down At Macedonia’s Alexander The Great Airport

Qatar Airways’ new route to provide direct service from Doha to Skopje Route to operate four direct flights a week on an Airbus A320 aircraft Launch is part of airline’s extensive expansion in Eastern Europe, with service to Prague and Kyiv to begin this summer The first Qatar Airways non-stop flight from Doha to Skopje [...]