27 11, 2017

“ZA NED DO” Povtorno go “Sobra” Zlatoto od Solun vo Borečki Veštini

By | 2017-11-27T23:22:42+11:00 November 27th, 2017|Latest News, Sport|Comments Off on “ZA NED DO” Povtorno go “Sobra” Zlatoto od Solun vo Borečki Veštini

Akademijata za borečki veštini “ZA NED DO” na 6-tiot internacionalen šampionat vo borečki veštini i 10-tiot tradicionalen segrčki šampionat vo borečki veštini “Migdonia” 2017-ta koi se održaa vo Solun na 25 i 26 Noemvri, i ovoj pat postignaa ogromen uspeh. Makedonskiot tim sostaven od 21 natprevaruvač, koi se natprevaruvaa vo borbi, demonstracii so tradicionalno oružje [...]

25 11, 2017


By | 2017-11-25T12:49:09+11:00 November 25th, 2017|News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on PROTIV REFERENDUM ZA IMETO NA DRŽAVATA!

Pišuva Todor PETROV Imeto e identitetot! Identitetot e imeto! A, bidejḱi povtoruvanjeto e majka na znaenjeto: Prašanjeto za imeto na državata e zatvoreno so referendumot od 8 septemvri 1991 godina koga Makedonskiot narod i državjanite vo apsolutno mnozinstvo glasaa “ZA SUVERENA I SAMOSTOJNA DRŽAVA MAKEDONIJA" bez dodavki i bez pridavki. Odlukata na referendum, e zadolžitelna za [...]

23 11, 2017

An Old Lion Roars Again- The Resurgence of Preston Makedonia in Victorian Football

By | 2017-11-23T01:06:21+11:00 November 23rd, 2017|Latest News, Sport|Comments Off on An Old Lion Roars Again- The Resurgence of Preston Makedonia in Victorian Football

By Declan Mythen Once-upon-a-time the great name of Preston Makedonia was common knowledge across the Australian footballing landscape after all the club did represent the Macedonian community of Australia in the now-defunct National Soccer League for 12 years between 1981 and 1993. These days the new generation of football fans in Australia are not as [...]

22 11, 2017

Zaev meets with non-resident Ambassadors covering the Republic of Macedonia from Belgrade

By | 2017-11-22T05:54:30+11:00 November 22nd, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Zaev meets with non-resident Ambassadors covering the Republic of Macedonia from Belgrade

Prime Minister Zaev had a meeting with non-resident ambassadors covering the Republic of Macedonia from Belgrade: Plan 3-6-9, good neighbourly policy of Macedonia and building political consensus in the interest of diplomats. Prime Minister Zaev on the sidelines of the official visit of the Republic of Serbia had a meeting, working lunch, with non-resident ambassadors [...]

17 11, 2017

Language – Name – Identity

By | 2017-11-17T12:32:55+11:00 November 17th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Language – Name – Identity

By Julie Corby - What is language?  Dictionary.com defines it thus; “Common to a people of the same community or nation, geographical region, or same cultural tradition”. In the Republic of Macedonia, under the contentious government led by Zoran Zaev, dual language bill has been put before its Macedonian parliament, seeking to implement Albanian and [...]

16 11, 2017


By | 2017-11-16T10:16:26+11:00 November 16th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on ČETIRI GODINI OD FORMIRANJETO NA MPZ TODOR ALEKSANDROV-SEKOGAŠ POSVETENI NA MAKEDONIJA

Ovaa godina se navršuvaat četiri godini od formiranjeto na Makedonskoto Patriotsko Združenie Todor Aleksandrov koe e formirano vo 2013 godina. Osnovnta cel na MPZ Todor Aleksandrov i osnovna cel na združenieto e zaštita na likot i deloto na Todor Aleksandrov kako eden od najgolemite vodači na VMRO i beskomromisen pobornik za Nezavisna Makedonska država. Todor [...]

11 11, 2017


By | 2017-11-11T04:21:44+11:00 November 11th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on GRČKA ANTIMAKEDONSKA PROVOKACIJA NA PALESTINSKATA KONFERENCIJA

Posle izlaganjeto na pretsedatelot na Svetskiot Makedonski Kongres, členot na Partijata Siriza od Grcija g.Nektarios Bugdanis pred početokot na svoeto obraḱanje izjavi deka ima obvrska vo ime na grčkata vlada da kaže deka oficijalnoto ime na državata od kade što doaǵa Todor Petrov e “poranešna Jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija“, što so negoduvanje beše prifateno od prisutnite, [...]

10 11, 2017

Terrorists Threats Ignored by Macedonian Police

By | 2017-11-10T17:19:11+11:00 November 10th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Terrorists Threats Ignored by Macedonian Police

Macedonian patriotic hero Goran Angelov, the president of the MPZ  'Andon Lazov Janev - Kjoseto' has been targeted by the ‘UCK’, a known Albanian terrorist organisation with links to ISIS and Al-Qaeda. After the UCK ‘ultimatum’ that was sent to the Macedonian Government by the listed terrorist group in response to the verdicts in the [...]

5 11, 2017

Aleksandar Treti Makedonski e Makedonec i pretstavuva del od kulturno-istoriskoto nasledstvo na Makedonskata civilizacija!

By | 2017-11-05T16:02:55+11:00 November 5th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Aleksandar Treti Makedonski e Makedonec i pretstavuva del od kulturno-istoriskoto nasledstvo na Makedonskata civilizacija!

ALEKSANDAR MAKEDONSKI E MAKEDONEC I NIKOJ NEMA PRAVO ZARADI POLITIČKI KONCESII KON DRUGI I TUǴI DA SE OTKAŽUVA OD TOJ DEL NA ISTORIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA! Svetskiot Makedonski Kongres (SMK) najostro go osuduva vandalizmot vrz spomenikot na Aleksandar Treti Makedonski na ploštadot “Aleksandrija“ vo centarot na Prilep, kojšto pretstavuva donacija od makedonskiot senator Ǵorǵija Džordž Atanasoski [...]

5 11, 2017

Dr. Wess Mitchell as the new Assistant Secretary for European & Eurasian Affairs

By | 2017-11-05T15:05:36+11:00 November 5th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Dr. Wess Mitchell as the new Assistant Secretary for European & Eurasian Affairs

Dr. A. Wess Mitchell took the oath of office as Assistant Secretary of State on October 12, 2017, before Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. As Assistant Secretary he is responsible for diplomatic relations with 50 countries in Europe and Eurasia, and with NATO, the EU and the OSCE. Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian [...]

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