20 10, 2018

Прес Конференција на Претседателот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Христијан Мицкоски!

By | 2018-10-20T15:43:48+11:00 October 20th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Прес Конференција на Претседателот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Христијан Мицкоски!

„За 200 години од сега, што мислите луѓето кого ќе паметат? Оние кои го предале делото, или оние кои се бореле за него?" - ова е мисла на Бенџамин Франклин, еден од татковците на САД, и човекот кој ја донел демократијата и укинал ропството. Денес во Република Македонија се случи тажен ден, црн петок, најцрниот [...]

3 10, 2018

Address by the President of the Republic of Macedonia / Обраќање на Претседателот на Република Македонија

By | 2018-10-03T03:50:05+10:00 October 3rd, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Address by the President of the Republic of Macedonia / Обраќање на Претседателот на Република Македонија

Respected citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, On yesterday's referendum, the people rejected the Prespa Agreement. By refusing to vote, the people clearly pleaded against hasty, imposed and harmful decisions adopted without a previously reached national consensus. The silent majority decided. The boycott is the voice of those who are underestimated and not heard. The [...]

3 10, 2018

RUSSIA MAY BLOCK NAME CHANGES IN THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL: The will of the people of Macedonia must be respected!

By | 2018-10-04T07:26:26+10:00 October 3rd, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on RUSSIA MAY BLOCK NAME CHANGES IN THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL: The will of the people of Macedonia must be respected!

On September 30, the Republic of Macedonia held a referendum on the Prespa Agreement, which envisions changing the country's name in Northern Macedonia. The turnout of 36.8 percent means that the referendum cannot be recognized as valid (the turnout must be at least 50 percent). It is clear that Macedonian voters chose to boycott solutions [...]

2 10, 2018

Boycott Campaign Wins – Zaev in Denial

By | 2018-10-02T15:48:53+10:00 October 2nd, 2018|Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on Boycott Campaign Wins – Zaev in Denial

PRESS RELEASE - WMC-A For Immediate Release - 2 October 2018 Despite the massive electoral fraud, there is no legal validity for Saturday's illegitimate referendum to change Macedonia’s name. Results from the poor voter turnout sent shock waves through SDSM ranks and rocked the political party into damage control yesterday after the Zaev government could [...]

28 09, 2018

H.E. Mr. Gjorge Ivanov, President of Republic of Macedonia at the UN – Addresses General Debate, 73rd Session

By | 2018-09-28T08:31:51+10:00 September 28th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on H.E. Mr. Gjorge Ivanov, President of Republic of Macedonia at the UN – Addresses General Debate, 73rd Session

Statement Summary: UN PRESS RELEASE- GJORGE IVANOV, President of the Republic of Macedonia, recalled that “as a constitutive republic with a right of self-determination to secession, Macedonia was a co-founder of the United Nations”.  Although his country became a member of the United Nations in 1993, it was denied the sovereign right to call itself [...]

20 09, 2018


By | 2018-09-20T00:44:59+10:00 September 20th, 2018|Latest News, News by Todor Petrov|Comments Off on УСТАВНИОТ СУД ГО ПОТВРДИ ОДРЖУВАЊЕТО НА РЕФЕРЕНДУМОТ, БОЈКОТОТ ПРОДОЛЖУВА!

Денес во Уставниот суд на Македонија се одржа седница со единствена точка на дневен ред, разгледување на иницијативите за поништување на Одлуката за распишување на референдум, поднесени од Светскиот Македонски Конгрес и Левица, со барање за времена мерка до одлучување. Судијата известител Елена Гошева предложи поведување постапка за оценка на уставноста и законитоста на Одлуката [...]

13 09, 2018


By | 2018-09-13T17:12:07+10:00 September 13th, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on VMRO-DPMNE NEEDS TO MAKE A STAND: CALL FOR A BOYCOTT OF THIS TREACHEROUS AND ILLEGAL REFERENDUM

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, September 13, 2018 In light of the ‘ambiguous’ VMRO-DPMNE statement via their press conference earlier today, The World Aegean Macedonian Council - Australia wants to again categorically call for a boycott of the illegal and treacherous referendum on the Republic of Macedonia’s name and constitutional change slated for the [...]

13 09, 2018


By | 2018-09-13T16:43:22+10:00 September 13th, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on CALL FOR GLOBAL BOYCOTT OF ALL, AND ANY, PRODUCTS FROM THE ZAEV FAMILY OWNED ‘MAMA’ BRAND

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, September 13, 2018 The World Aegean Macedonian Council - Australia is calling for an immediate and decisive global boycott of any, and all, products of the ‘Mama’ brand of Ajvar, relish, bean and assorted foods range. The ‘Mama’ company is owned and operated by Zaev and his family: Zaev [...]

31 07, 2018

WMC-A Advancing The Macedonian Cause

By | 2018-07-31T13:04:42+10:00 July 31st, 2018|Community, Latest News, Press Release|Comments Off on WMC-A Advancing The Macedonian Cause

World Macedonian Congress – Australia ushered in the Macedonian National Holiday period - Ilinden with 2 fantastic community events this month. A community-based ball in Sydney on the 21st of July and the annual celebratory Ilinden ball in Melbourne on the 28th of July. In Sydney, Craig Kelly MP together with Professor Frank Zumbo were [...]

8 10, 2017

Remembering 11th of October

By | 2017-10-08T12:17:03+11:00 October 8th, 2017|Latest News|Comments Off on Remembering 11th of October

Message and speech by National Executive Co-Chairman of the World Macedonian Congress - Australia, Mr. Jim Stefanovski. Počituvani braḱa i sestri Makedonci i Makedonki, Vaša ekselencijo gospodin Vele Trpevski, Ambasador na Makedonija vo Avstralija, Počituvani prijateli od Avstralija. Vo Balkanskite vojni 1912-1913 godina, Bugarija, Grcija i Srbija izvršija okupacija vrz Makedonija i genocid vrz Makedonskiot [...]

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