11 02, 2019

    Recommendations to the President of the Republic of Macedonia, George Ivanov, by the World Macedonian Congress.

    By | 2019-02-11T15:35:10+11:00 February 11th, 2019|Latest News|Comments Off on Recommendations to the President of the Republic of Macedonia, George Ivanov, by the World Macedonian Congress.

    President Ivanov did not sign the ‘Prespa Agreement’ by Dimitrov - Kozias, therefore, it has not been legally ratified in accordance with the Macedonian Constitution to be part of the internal legal framework of Macedonia. World Macedonian Congress recommends President Ivanov continue to speak with the 140 Nations who have recognised Macedonia by its constitutional [...]

    18 01, 2018

      Address by the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov

      By | 2018-01-18T15:33:50+11:00 January 18th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Address by the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov

      Distinguished citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, In the performance of my official duty as President of the Republic of Macedonia, I have always acted with responsibility towards and full respect of the Constitution, laws and interests of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. On January 11, 2018, the Assembly of the Republic of [...]